
KR 360 FORTEC Heavy-duty Robot

The KR 360 FORTEC is a six-axis, robust robot designed for advanced system configurations. With exceptional precision and extensive reach,
this industrial powerhouse excels in managing large and weighty assemblies.

Features :
  • The KR 360 FORTEC jointed-arm robot is designed for handling heavy components.
  • Provides a flexible solution for space- and cost-saving cell concepts.
  • Combines extreme strength (FORce) with the latest technology (TEChnology): FORTEC.
  • Offers various installation positions and special variants, enabling innovative solutions that easily handle heavy-duty tasks across various industries.
  • Load capacity ranges from 240 to 360 kg.
  • Arm length varies between 2826 and 3326 mm.
  • With pose repeatability of 0.08 millimeters and an arm extension of up to 500 millimeters, the robot delivers utmost precision and production quality.
  • Handles large and heavy components efficiently, providing a low-space, low-cost solution for managing heavy payloads up to 360 kilograms in various industries.
  • Versatile and flexible, suitable for applications requiring resistance to heat, dust, and water, with a range of mounting positions for enhanced adaptability.

 Inquiry - KR 360 FORTEC Heavy-duty Robot